Quality, Unique Articles Are Damn Expensive!...
Not Anymore My Friend! We've Trialled A New Article Service That Offers Rewrites At $4.75 &
Unique 550 Word Articles For Just $5.52!!
Plus Quality & Reliability Is Extraordinary.
Full Review With Real Examples Below!


DupeFree ProFrom: Michael & Steven Grzywacz
Friday, 4:55 p.m. - Surrey, UK

Dear Friend,

As a user of DupeFree Pro I am sure you are aware of just how important it is to keep your website content unique and fresh.

Get Your Free Bonus - TubeTrafficWe have achieved this mainly by buying PLR Articles and paying competent writers to rewrite them. This method has proven successful for us and with DupeFree Pro to help us and our writers along the way our sites have faired well in the Search Engines.

But Is PLR Enough? ... PLR vs. Original

One major constraint with PLR articles is that the direction and subject of the content has already been decided for you. Some may think this is a blessing by taking more work away from you but we believe in order to offer true visitor value you need to be providing a good variety of information.

Unfortunately many PLR articles simply rehash the same information using different words aimed at a slight variation of a keyword already optimized for in another PLR article. You or your ghost writer can always add new content but even a good writer you are paying extra to do this will only add so much.

My point is that the only way you are going to get original unique content on a specific subject YOU want is to write original unique articles from scratch. This is all very well but aren't we back to square one?...

Quality original & unique articles are costly right?

Up until about a month ago I would have agreed with that 100%.

Even though PLR rewrites have been our main focus we have also used writers to create unique articles for us. However, we usually severely limit this because it does become costly very quickly...

We found that the only time unique articles were any good (actually usable and worth paying for) was when we were paying at least $10 to $20 per article. And this was for relatively short articles (400 to 450 words).

To be honest we had pretty much given up on the idea of affordable quality unique articles and stuck to simple PLR rewrites.

However this has changed with the advent of an impressive new article writing service setup by Internet Marketer Scott Foster.

Now I had not previously heard of Scott Foster before. I had no idea who he was. All I knew was he had this article writing service with some glowing testimonials from top name Internet Marketers such as Ewen Chia. Plus I had read some strong recommendations for his article service in some top IM forums (the Warrior Forum being one).

The first thing that strikes you is Scott's service is incredibly cheap (just $10 per month) and the articles you can have written seem extremely competitively priced... almost too competitive to be true actually (only $5.52 for a unique 550 word article!).

I must admit I went in to Scott's service with a large amount of skepticism. The last time I commission a writer at this price was for a non-English writer who charged $6 per 450 word article and the results were dire - a total waste of time.

So could I really get a better deal for less cost? And will I actually get a capable native English speaking writer? (though this may not seem PC, it almost always makes a difference)

So, after paying the small $10 joining fee I dove straight in to the admin area to get some articles commissioned and to see just how well setup Scott's service is.

First impressions were very good. Scott's system is very well thought out and feature rich. You immediately feel like you have joined a tried and tested system.

Upon first glance of the welcome area you see video tutorials and downloadable PDF's available to help you get to grips with using the system. There are also some very handy tutorials written by Scott which explain how to get the most from the writers you have access to. You'll also see an active news section informing you of upcoming service additions and alerts.

At this point the system was looking very professional and was showing great promise. But of course it all swings on the quality of the articles - after all that is why we are here.

Click Here To Join Scott's Article Writing Service

Commissioning Your Articles

Scott's service works by a credits system. Initially it seems a bit awkward but it is essentially very simple and actually quite effective... You buy credits for different project types which you can use immediately or at a later date when you need to commission the work.

The credits currently available in the system are:

Credit Type
Cost Per Credit - $
Small Article Credits - 550 word articles
Medium Article Credits - 750 word articles
Large Article Credits - 1000 word articles
Single Article Rewrite Credits (up to 1000 words)
5 to 10 Article Rewrite Credits (up to 600 words per article)
5 to 10 Article Rewrite Credits (up to 1000 words per article)
Press Release Credits

**Please note these prices are correct at the time of writing and may be subject to change (I will try to keep them as up to date a possible though).

Scott has mentioned he will be adding new types of service credits as well. There are some very exciting credit options to come such as full eBooks, mini-reports and even sales copy. Scott really is trying to offer a complete content creation service. For our article requirements though the service already has pretty much everything we need. :-)

For our review of Scott's service we tested out the following credit options:

  1. Small article credit (1 unique 550 word article)
  2. Medium article credit (1 unique 750 word article)
  3. Article rewrite credit (single rewrite up to 1000 words)

Even though this review is aimed at the unique articles we thought we would also test their article rewriting as well because this is frequently requested by DupeFree Pro users - somewhere to get affordable quality rewrites. To date we haven't wanted to give away the contact details of our own writers for fear of competition but if this service was to do a good job we'd be more than happy to recommend them to others.

One thing to note about their rewrite credits is that the price is substantially cheaper when you get 5 or more rewrites done at once.

Anyway, on with the results...

 Small Article Credit (up to 550 words)

If you read through the article above I'm sure you will agree that is definitely a high quality article. It is well written, fun, informative and was completed exactly as asked for.

Not only is the article good but the word count is 634! So much for the 550 word limit for small article credits. :-)

I don't know how often the writers will go beyond the call of duty like this but it is certainly very promising and shows the writer in this case was not just out to make a quick buck by writing rubbish within the credit requirements. From this first test I got a feeling that the writer actually cared about the end article.

(As these results are way better than expected I feel I should make sure you know Scott's service was completely unaware of our tests, no special favors going on here!).

 Medium Article Credit (up to 750 words)

With this longer article credit we wanted to test their ability to tackle and research a topic which we ourselves are very familiar with. Snowboarding in Whistler/Blackcomb seemed appropriate as we have been snowboarding for many year and have spent an entire season in Whistler.

In the brief for the article we gave the writer a relatively basic outline and pointed them to a few obvious URLs such as the official Whistler Blackcomb website. We wanted to give the writer a relatively free reign so we could see how they performed when using their own initiative.

As you can see from the resulting article not only did the writer create a longer article than required (786 words to be exact) but the article reads very well. The writer starts with an informative intro to snowboarding and then goes on to detail the resort and what it has to offer.

All in all it is a great article, just about right for it's size, and is written with a great use of the English language. I can honestly say we would be happy to put it on our own snowboarding content site.

So far Scott's service is blowing all expectations out of the water.

Click Here To Join Scott's Article Writing Service

 Single Article Rewrite Credit (up to 1000 words)

- Original PLR Article -
- Final Rewrite -

Over the past few years we've gained a fair amount of experience with rewriting PLR articles. We have done the rewriting ourselves and hired writers many times. So I feel we have a realistic idea of what to expect from a decent rewrite.

The rewrite Scott's service provided is on a par with the $8 rewrites we had our best writers doing. We paid more than most for our rewrites but this was because we wanted it done fully with extra content and not as a fast buck rush job.

One of the biggest obstacles when getting PLR rewritten is not so much the quality of the writer as it is the quality of the original PLR article. As long as it is not predominantly empty filler your writer will have something to work with. Keep this in mind when using ANY service for your rewrites.

Interestingly in the rewrite by Scott's service it is smaller than the original. This shows that content from the original has been condensed. Whilst on the surface a smaller article might seem bad this in fact shows the writer is likely to have recognized unnecessary filler and chose to remove it rather than just reword it.

Pointless filler is unfortunately very common in PLR articles and any good writer should automatically try to remove it and place better content in its place.

So, the rewrite is well written and has also even had personality injected in to it. But how unique is it? This is the real acid test for PLR rewrites...

Scott's service states their writers will achieve at least a 40% uniqueness in their article rewrites. From our experience you want your rewrites written to be as different as possible and 40% uniqueness seems pretty low.

Scott's service states they use a software program called DupeCop (a competitor to DupeFree Pro) to check for article similarity. Why they don't use DupeFree Pro I don't know. But anyway, DupeCop still manages to do a good job of detecting duplicate content between articles. From our tests DupeCop appears to function at a very similar level to when DupeFree Pro is set to one word matching with span sentences turned on (this basically means DupeCop is hard coded to not be forgiving to duplicate text at all). The good news is that a low uniqueness percentage in DupeCop is in fact not actually that bad.

In DupeFree Pro when set to the default settings (4 words matching with span sentences on) this low uniqueness percentage (40%) in DupeCop is actually much higher.

Lets take our test rewrite and original PLR article as an example...

Our account area in Scott's service says that the writer achieved a 58.90% uniqueness with their rewrite (notice how they have over-delivered going way above the minimum 40% uniqueness requirement). Now if I put the two articles in to DupeFree Pro and run a comparison with the default settings we get a tiny 3.25% similarity! ...

Rewrite Similarity Percenatage

I was paying writers $8 per rewrite to keep the similarity below 10% in DupeFree Pro and most of the time the similarity percentage was still between 6% to 10% - and hardly ever below 5%!

However, if you do use Scott's service for rewrites I highly suggest using the bulk credits because you'll be getting rewrites of this caliber for just $4.75 per rewrite! - Almost half what we have paid for in the past for similar quality.

Click Here To Join Scott's Article Writing Service

Of course I should say that this is just one case with using Scott's article writing service and your results may vary. Which actually neatly brings us to a very clever feature of the service...


Writers That Actually Care About Your Content

You are able to communicate with your writer during an entire project by using the inbuilt messaging system. Not only that but you can also rate a writer after a project (just like eBay feedback ratings) . Also Scott has announced a soon to be added feature where you can request specific writers you have used before.

All of these features mean the whole process is not blind.

This is a crucial point. You see we have used a few other article writing services where you submit your article request and then your article magically appears completed. You have no idea who did them and your control is non-existent other than a bunch of keywords you hand over at the start.

With Scott's service the process is not blind and so there is a real need for the writer to perform well otherwise their rating will plummet and s/he will receive less work and eventually have to move on. This keeps the standard and need to please very high.

These simple but highly effective elements to Scott's service explain the constant over-delivery throughout the test articles. The quality is consistently high and the articles are not cut short or written to just meet the basic minimum requirements - care and though has gone in to them.

From our experience this kind of work for this price is practically impossible to find on the regular Freelancer sites like Elance.

But wait there's more!...

Speed And Reliability

Having a source for great articles is one thing but a source that can delivery on time and at last minute notice is another. Luckily we found the turnaround time for Scott's service was excellent.

We submitted our three article briefs on an afternoon and had all three articles back the following day in the evening (UK time). That is very fast. Another article service we have tried in the past took a week to two weeks (depending on project size). Admittedly this test project was very small but the turnaround was none the less very quick.

A very wise feature of Scott's service is a live system load indicator so you can get an idea whether there may be potential delays or not. When we submitted our test articles the system load was 'normal'. We occasionally see the system load on high but this usually doesn't last long.

Of course as demand grows I'm sure Scott will increase the number of writers accordingly.

What about article corrections?

Other article services we have used did not allow for corrections. I find this surprising as you can't expect a writer to get it right first time round every time. After all we're all human.

Fortunately Scott's service has a one-time change request feature. We didn't actually use this in our tests because the articles we got back didn't need any alterations. However, if you get an article back and you want something changed you simply click a button next to the article in the system to request your alteration. This is a great feature other services are sorely lacking.

Built In Article Directory.

At the time of writing this feature is still in the stages of being completed but it is yet another example of over-delivery with Scott's service.

I'm sure you are already familiar with the benefits of submitting articles to article directories to gain backlinks to your sites.

What's different about Scott's article directory is that it's directly linked to Scott's service so you can automatically submit articles within your account area to the directory. All it takes is a click of a button.

What About Support?

An online service without decent support is very frustrating.

Scott's article service provides multiple layers of support. A ticket support system together with FAQ's and the recently added live support.

So What's The Final Verdict?

Hypey as it may sound we are completely bawled over with Scott's service. If you don't believe us just checkout the example articles above.

We believe this is THE Article writing service we have all been waiting for.

We've had a staggering amount of requests since releasing DupeFree Pro from people asking where to get reliable cost effective articles. There really is a need for this service. That's the driving reason behind this review of Scott's service.

In fact not so long ago we were actually thinking about setting something like this up because we saw there was a real need for it. PLR articles have been covered to death in IM but if you want affordable unique and original articles you are pretty much left to your own devices. As a result you end up paying through the nose for a competent freelancer from Elance or other freelancer sites.

In fact we have discovered a service like Scott's can actually work better for you than having a personal ghost writer...

  • You don't have to keep one specific writer happy and busy just to ensure you can keep them working for you.
  • You don't need to worry about when your writer will take time off or go on vacation.
  • You can expand your article requirements without needing to go through the hit and miss process of finding another competent writer.
  • All communication and files are kept in one easy location.
  • Your writer has a continuous need to over perform because it is so easy for you to move on to other writers.
  • The list goes on.

In a nut shell if you are fed up paying to much for your web content and simply want somewhere affordable and reliable this is just what you are looking for. And for just $10 a month you can't go wrong. I'm surprised Scott is only charging this because his system is really worth much more plus he just keeps adding new features and options making it even better - just check out the news section when you join to see some of the things he has planned.

Click Here To Join Scott's Article Writing Service

But wait... That's not all!...

Get A FREE Copy of TubeTraffic - A $37 Value Traffic Generation eBook As A Bonus Just For Joining Scott's Article Service Via Our Link:

TubeTrafficAs the popularity of the online video sharing sites increases (i.e. YouTube) so does the potential for generating thousands of free traffic hits from them.

At the time of writing your competition on these video sharing sites is on a par with the SEO competition during the mid to late nineties... In other words - Easy! ;-)

TubeTrafficThis is a great zero-fluff eBook that reveals little known secrets for generating a lot of free website traffic from YouTube. TubeTraffic is the result of researching over 200 website's and over 100 video promotions!

Here's just some of the tips you'll learn inside TubeTraffic:

  • How to do important keyword research on YouTube before you even start to plan your videos (picking great keywords to tag your videos with).

  • What types of videos are popular? Learn the 10 important factors that are part of almost all wildly popular videos.

  • Everything you need to know about how to brand the video with your company name and site URL using free (and easy to use) video editing software.

  • The secret of viral videos: Learn what makes people send YouTube videos to their friends, family and coworkers.

  • What you should absolutely NOT do after you've uploaded your video.

  • You don't want to miss this: Where to get amazing software which can animate a human face into realistic looking cartoon.

  • How long should your video be? The answer may surprise you.

  • Do you even need video footage to create a great video? How to create compelling videos from still photos.

  • How to capture the most controversial video footage.

  • Where to download free video editing software (and how to use it!)

  • The best format to upload for high quality.

  • How you can get around the 10 minute limit if needed.

  • What kind of equipment you will need to have before you can create a video (you may be surprised to find that you might already own video equipment).

  • And much more!

In order to qualify for a free copy of TubeTraffic simply join Scott's Article Writing Service and then contact us here via our DupeFree Pro HelpDesk with your receipt ID and we'll send you your free copy of TubeTraffic.

Considering TubeTraffic is being sold elsewhere for $37 you can get yourself an incredible deal here. By joining Scott's impressive Article Service for just $10 and getting TubeTraffic for free you are in effect making a $27 saving! :-)

If you do signup to Scott's Service be sure to let us know what you think. We may add your testimonial to this review page with a link to a site of your choice. A good opportunity for you to get some free targeted traffic.

Click the button below to join Scott's article service today. You'll be glad you did - we are!

Click Here To Join Scott's Article Writing Service


Your friends,

Michael Grzywacz    and     Steven Grzywacz

P.S. -
What are you waiting for? Join Scott's Article Service today and boost your website traffic with quality affordable content!